Having access to the best professional equipment allows us to fulfil your needs in the safest and most cost efficient way. We use both day and night equipment, including advanced thermal drones, hand held devices and night vision optics for lights-out pest control. This provides a unique capability to operate discretely at night to humanely conduct pest control.
Network and traditional trail cameras combined with scented and visual lures allow for the collection of important data regarding predator activity. This information is used to determine the best course of action, whether trapping, shooting or improving infrastructure to prevent inconsistent and transient foxes, deer or other pest animals.
Our experience with different communities has indicated a desire for either discreet or overt animal control. Part of our risk management is determining the social climate where you reside. Community programs often prefer to know when and where animal control will occur as it provides a sense of participation and ownership. Other people may be less understanding of land and pest management requirements causing owners to feel social pressure against feral animal control. Consequently, we have both the appropriate tools and experience to discreetly conduct pest control with minimal to no disturbance of neighbours.
Feral pests generally move between multiple properties, causing destruction across numerous properties. To that end, we have worked with multiple communities to generate interest and participation in communally funded programs to combat feral animals causing destruction across a larger area. This experience allowed us to develop a tried and tested framework we can present to interested communities, which includes details how to get a program up and running, communication methods, expectations, goals and contractor obligations and grant applications.
ABN: 20 018 996 995
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