Invasive Fauna Management
Your feral animal removal specialists for fox, deer, pig, birds and other pest animals in New South Wales.
Your feral animal removal specialists for fox, deer, pig, birds and other pest animals in New South Wales.
With over 17 years of operational experience in military (veteran), law enforcement and vertebrate pest control, we use the safest and most cost efficient strategies combined with the latest aerial and ground based equipment to remove pest animals in urban and rural environments, for private, commerical and government clients.
We have developed many successful working relationships with various communities and individuals in addition to environmental agencies such as the Local Land Services, National Parks and Wildlife and WIRES. We also work with local government agencies such as the Central Coast and Mid Coast Councils in addition to several private community programs developed and customised to suit their respective goals.
Modern technology is crucial to cost effective and safe feral animal management. We use advanced thermal and night vision optics, drones, trail cameras and other equipment to provide both day and night capabilities to track and remove the target species during their most active periods.
Feral deer
Feral dog
Feral cat
Feral horse
Feral goat
Feral pig
Indian Myna
English Starling
House sparrow
ABN: 20 018 996 995
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